Living in Mtwara

Spiritual Oppression: This area has a very high level of spiritual warfare because of being a highly unreached area with many witch doctors and people involved in witchcraft, etc.

High prevalence of malaria and other diseases pose a significant health risk to residents.

The region experiences intense heat, making daily life physically demanding.

This region also has a higher poverty level than many other areas of Tanzania.

Food items as well as many other supplies tend to be more expensive here because of being close to the border of Tanzania and Mozimbique as well as transportation issues because of many of the roads being unpaved.

Also access to clean water is a challenge in many of the villages where city water is not available, and there is no water source close by. There are very few wells. Many people depend on collecting rain water during rainy season in a cistern or containers.

Despite all of the challenges, I love serving the Lord in this area. Where there is much darkness, the smallest amount of light can make a huge amount of difference. The harvest is plenty but the laborers are few.

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