Christmas season in Tanzania is a lot different than in the United States. It is much less commercialized. You are able to buy Christmas decorations here, but usually in stores geared more to foreigners even though the amount of Tanzanians that buy decorations is growing. Also there is not a big emphasis on gift giving. Many Christians though will buy their kids a new outfit for Christmas if they are able and have special food to eat.
Usually you attend church more than normal. It is not unusual to have revival type meetings leading up to Christmas. Also most churches have a service on Christmas. Some churches will eat Christmas lunch together at the church. Most Tanzanian Christians would not even consider not attending church on Christmas. Some churches even have a special prayer service the night before.
This Sunday I was at TAG Namikupa mission Center. Pastor Flora and I told the Christmas story using pictures. There were some people that attended that it was their first time to hear the Christmas Story from the Bible. After the service, we all ate a big meal together as a church family then played games. It was an awesome day and a very unique way to spend Christmas.