One of the ministries I am very involved in here in Tanzania is helping to build churches. I mostly concentrate on doing so here in the southern part of Tanzania because it takes most churches at least 7 years before they have the ability to do so without help from another church, etc
There are several reasons for this. Because most of this area is over 90% Islamic it can take many years before you reach enough believers to support a pastor as well as to build a church. Many of the first members are children and women. This area also has a higher level of poverty than many other areas of Tanzania. Also it is very hard to buy land in a good location here so building can be more expensive because of extra cost involved with carrying building items to the site, having to buy water, etc. I partner with the churches as well as leaders to help build church building in areas where the need is huge.
if you would like to help you can give to my AGWM project 15232 (account 254756 or use the giving link on this site and write a note that it is for helping to build a church.